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"The following portfolio pages represent just a small sampling of websites we build it or do design for them and multimedia CD Roms designed and programmed by us. If you want to visit any of the websites listed here, please click on the page graphic to the left of each description."

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ree Economic Zone in Macedonia

Free Economic Zone in Macedonia - BUNARDZIK

The Government of Republic of Macedonia build first Free Economic Zone in Bunardzik, Skopje. According to General infrastructure plan free economic zone Bunardzik contains about 150 hectares. For promotional purposes of this project we created multimedia CD-Rom. It was used like promotional material on many international seminars and exibition. On this CD-Rom, Free Economic Zone was presented with all benefits and infrastructure. We created special audio and video records for this CD-Rom. Our team of profesionals work on designing of this CD and all of programming. We bulild this CD-Rom from the scratch.


Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of R. Macedonia - Ozone Unit

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of R. Macedonia - Ozone Unit

In 1997 within the frameworks of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Ozone Unit was established, whose role is to coordinate all the activities in the field of protection of the ozone layer. The Ozone Unit coordinates all the activities for implementation of the projects, starting from the idea through preparation of the projects to their implementation; also monitoring and control of the ODSs trade and raising public awareness. All of his work was presented on this multimedia CD-Rom.


Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion

Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion

MBDP was founded, by Government of Republic of Macedonia, as a bank that will stimulate the development and will in the same time create conditions for penetration of Macedonian enterprises on international markets. The bank operates with accordance to the banking regulation, under the supervision of the Central Bank of the Republic of Macedonia. The bank is liable for its liabilities with the total of its assets. Promotional multimedia CR-Rom was created to present Bank before the international partners and general public. Our web design team build first web site for MBDP.


Civil Aviation Authority

Civil Aviation Authority

The basic objective of the Macedonian Civil Aviation Authority is the development of safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport. This encompasses: flight control, aeronautical meteorology, investigating the safety of aircraft, search and rescue, inspection, approving all flights on Macedonian territory, coordinating the airways, construction, maintenance as well as licensing and certificating aircraft and airports, realization and promotion of the international cooperation, researches and projections in the field of aviation.


Sveti NIkole

A.D. "Mesna industrija" - Sveti Nikole

A.D. "Mesna industrija" - Sveti Nikole began operation on 07.05.1984 as a Slaughterhouse and meat processing factory "Makedonija" - Sveti Nikole, on a trial basis, because at the time the factory had still not been completed and handed over. During that period the basic organization "Prerabotka" - Sveti Nikole merged with the "Klanica so ladilnik" - Sveti Nikole into a new working organization - Meat packing industry with farms "Makedonija". Sveti Nikole and as a final processor the Meat packing industry with farms "Makedonija" with its two basic organizations.


CIK Kumanovo

CIK Kumanovo

CIK Kumanovo is a prominent shoe factory in Macedonia in that the experience is passing on and tradition retained. An enterprise in second of the decay of Yugoslavia and one period of the economic reversal, CIK employs today about 1000 coworkers, of it since the restart a multiplicity from unemployed persons that the city revived. Today will predominantly produce for the Italian partner; the products of CIK can also be finding into other highly developed countries and in the domestic market.


MZT Learnica

MZT Learnica

MZT Learnica is very fmouse factory for bla... bla... acording to my information... and raising public awareness.MZT Learnica is very fmouse factory for bla... bla... acording to my information... and raising public awareness.MZT Learnica is very fmouse factory for bla... bla... acording to my information... and raising public awareness.